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ZhyperMU Live Tournament!
¬ News & Announcements 29 April, 2014
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ZhyperMU Live Tournament in Manila

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ZMU Egg Decoration Event
¬ News & Announcements 28 April, 2014
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ZhyperMU Easter Egg Decoration


Designed by: JDMasFCK

First Place

Designed by: DeeStyle

Second Place

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Designed by: Shichi

Designed by: YesThisIsFelix


Designed by: BmEvil

Designed by: rebecca062992

Designed by: jackyjoy

Designed by: TeitoKlein

Designed by: DragNiel

Event Creator: Moderator Marko

ZhyperMU 10th Year Anniversary Promo!
¬ News & Announcements 22 April, 2014
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[Season 5] Castle Siege WarLords - Supreme Guild Challenge
¬ News & Announcements 9 March, 2014
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ZhyperMU Team presents the endless event for the Guilds who love participating in weekly castle siege.

Event Profile:

Title: Castle Siege Warlords
Date: Every Saturday 20:00H / 8:00 pm GMT+8
Participants: Any Guild Alliance
Duration: 4 months (17 weeks)
Activation: March 15, 2014 - July 5, 2014

Event Prizes:
First Prize:

King of MU Continent Tag for 6 months (For guild master of Main Alliance)
500 Cash points for each Guild Master of the Alliance
Second Prize:

Lord of War Tag for 6 months (For guild master of Main Alliance)
250 Cash points for each Guild Master of the Alliance

Event Mechanics:

1. One [1] point for any guild alliance who won the weekly Castle Siege
2. The Guild Alliance who has the highest points after 4 months will be the winner.

Event Rules:
1. Every alliance who has a record of winning must be stay together one [1] point will be remove/deducted from the alliance if they failed to follow this rule.

  • Alliance who have a record of winning is allowed to recruit/replace his guild ally but one [1] point will be deducted to their winning point in every replacement.
  • If the main guild in the alliance disbands, the guild will be disqualified for all the current season, also they are forbid to join another alliance, joining another alliance will lead to their disqualification.

2. If the main ally or any ally guild master is found culprit of hacking/abusing any kind of bugs the alliance will be disqualified. immediately.

  • The Guild Alliance is responsible for every member of their ally. Meaning if we caught somebody who is using hack/cheat/bug abuse, one [1] point will be deducted to the alliance.
  • Any ban done due to the above mentioned reasons (as long the report was made during the castle siege) will get the punishment doubled, eg: 120 days ban instead of 60 days for 3rd party program 1st offense.
  • In addition, the Zhyper Network does have full rights to ban the entire account involved and/or the IPs related to set a example.

3. Any alliance that has been disqualified (1 time) previously will be permanently disqualified from this event.
This includes any allied guild that has been disqualified previously.

4. Any alliance who have a record of winning cannot give/transfer the point(s) to any other alliance if they decided not to participate the event. the point they got from winning is not transferable.

5. Any Guild Master/Guild Official/Member who has been caught and proven that they are hiring a player in exchange of real money will be disqualified and their accounts will be banned in game. (Meaning participants are not allowed to hire a member in exchange of any real currency such as direct transfer, phone load, etcetera).

Demerit Point System
All guilds start with 20 points up their sleeves.

  • This is not the guild score, this is just a separate point system to determine when a guild has done too many dirty deeds.
  • The moment your alliance reached 0 points, your alliance will be disqualified for this season, and the next season.

Demerit Point Exchange

Each member from their guild caught bug abusing 1 demerit point deduction
Guild master from the alliance caught abusing 3 demerit points deduction
Main guild master caught abusing
10 demerit points deduction
Member caught hacking / cheating
5 demerit points deduction
Guild master from the alliance caught hacking / cheating
10 demerit points deduction
Main guild master caught hacking / cheating

Weekly Winner Tabular and Other Logs Reference

ZhyperMU Monthly Headlines
¬ News & Announcements 28 February, 2014
HTML Online Editor Sample

Hello my dear Zhyperians.

This time of the month is upon us once again, and with it comes the summary of Community News of the Month.

And thus, on behalf of the whole Journalist Team, I, Rainbow Dash, give you the February issue of Zhyperian News.

Enjoy the read!

It is no secret for a majority of Zhyperians that they belong to the biggest and greatest MU community. However, there is a reason for this undoubted fact. Indeed, over the years, tons of players from every corner of the world have been joining our universe, making our close-knit family larger.

While some of these newcomers got interested in our server as they were going through XtremeTop100's rankings, others became Zhyperians because they were invited over by members of our community. This is precisely what Ret, one of our Head Game Masters, has analyzed and worked on. On the 31st of January, he came up with a hot piece of news explaining the idea he had developed : the "Referral Reward System". So here is an insight into what this exciting new service offers.

First, the principle is extremely simple. Make your friends join us, and you will earn rewards. The more you will contribute to the enlargement of our community, the more generously you will be rewarded. In short, if you have friends who are fond of video games, it is high time you let them know about the wonders of ZhyperMU. Not only will you gain the presence of friends of yours in-game, but you will also receive wonderful prizes for doing so.

However, your friends' attachment to our server must be genuine and solid. In concrete terms, they must be active players and forumers for at least thirty days, with an average post count per day of one. And this is not the only condition for you to get a prize. First, your friends must not be former players; they have to be genuine newcomers. Then, when they create their forum account, they have to refer it to you. And finally, if they play in the same Internet cafe as you do, your application for the reward must include pictures of the shop and of the two of you inside it. Obviously, as you may have guessed, very serious investigations will take place to prevent any form of cheat or scam. But if these requirements are met, you will earn a one-month Zhyper Hardcore tag if you bring one friend, a one-month Ultra Gamer tag if you bring three, and perhaps more if your helpfulness reaches outstanding levels.

The second good news will make you crazy about this newly introduced service. Once every three months, the player who brought the greatest number of his friends will be given an absolutely marvelous prize, which is none other than one hundred cash points. Therefore, there will be a point system, and every time you make someone join us, you will earn one point. Try your best to rank first. But even if you do not become the most fervent user of the referral system, there is something that you may already have understood and that you must keep in mind. No matter the number of friends you think you can invite over, you will find your happiness using this new service. Just do not forget to offer your help and guidance to every player who will become part of the large Zhyperian family thanks to you.

Happy inviting, and of course, happy gaming.

If February has proven something to our community, it is undoubtedly that ZhyperMU is not a monotonous place where nothing happens. Indeed, the recent updates announced throughout the month not only have been numerous, but have also revived many Zhyperians? interest for logging in the game and hunting for rare items.

Overall, three different kinds of updates were announced to the community. Here is an insight into each of them.

The first sort will delight those who are fond of hunting. Two new items were introduced: the Silver Box and the Golden Box. What is truly exciting about these boxes is that they both drop season four items, which can only pave the way to a better access of the most powerful items. Moreover, they can be found from monsters in nearly any map, which offers an incredibly wide range of hunting places, while preventing any hunting spot from becoming overcrowded. Finally, for the greatest pleasure of those who like encountering stronger monsters, bosses will also posthumously give golden and silver boxes at a much higher rate. As a matter of fact, Administrator Nocturnal added spice to Aida by creating the bosses called Hell Mains, coming out once every ninety minutes in which which the boxes can be found at a rate close to twenty-five percent.

The second update is for those who care much about balance and core adjustments. As one may have noticed while certain skills, such as Magic Gladiator's ice skill, were far too mighty and therefore unpopular among the player-versus-player fans, others were not interesting to use because their power was lower than what it was supposed to be. Consequently, a great number of skills had their basic damage values revamped, and Head Game Master Holmes created a thread in the forum for the players to give their feedback on how they feel about the new state of the balance between characters. Besides these updates, it must be noted that many master level values and bugs were also fixed.

Finally, Community Manager Mishel announced an update regarding in-game automated events. A new schedule was implemented for all of them, in order to give players from every corner of the world the opportunity to participate in those thrilling events on a fair basis. While a certain number of Forumers expressed their dissatisfaction with such a sudden change, others pointed at how the overhaul of the automated events times was significantly increasing the chances for the beginners to collect cash points. What is certain is that the enjoyment that one can feel when finding and bringing the right item to Santa Claus remains intact.

Happy hunting, and of course, happy gaming.

Its the most dreaded thing, and at the same time cherished, in the whole universe. We can hate it and love it,
its all around us and everyone are affected by it, although on this forum, it gives us more reasons to hate it than to love it, for it takes the lives of our dear Staff Members and forces them to leave our community.

Unable to fulfill their duties depending on the team they're in, one by one they are consumed by the lack of "time" which they need in order to be either here on forums, or in-game itself, and thus, they step down, focusing on the things which hold a higher amount of importance to them, this is known to us as the "real life", and nothing needs as much "time" as real life does. 

This month we've had many departures, almost from every Staff Team present here, sadly we cannot do anything to stop them from leaving, so at least we can give them a warm farewell and thank them for serving within our community, all of them will always be welcomed if they ever wish to come back.

Departing from the Moderator Team this month are the following staff members, the awesome Lead Moderator Syche and the not as awesome but still pretty awesome Moderators Kurama and wHite1, we thank you guys for your services.

Leaving the Orange Team, or better known as the GFX'ers Corner, GFXer Jay. and two other test GFX'ers whom sadly did NOT pass their 2 week test time, sir EpicMan and HellSurfer. , we thank you guys for both serving our community as well as attempting to take a shot in serving it.

And last but not least, we have the Game Masters team, whom roam across the game itself, providing help and information, although the following ones sadly won't be doing so anymore, nevertheless, they will always be welcomed back, both to rejoin the team, as well as taking an another try at passing their tests in order to become fully pledged Game Masters, if they wish to do so. 

And thus, departing from the Game Masters team, we have the following, the awesome Head Game Master Vanyard whos been serving as a HGM in our community for a very long time, we also have the following Game Masters, MightyMok, Mudlock, .Dhez, crazen and JMarion leaving the team. And lastly, the ones whom attempted to take a shot at becoming a part of the Game Master team but failed their Test Period, we have Test Game Master Sugarlips, .Yxor, Hersheys and iRonark. 

We thank you all guys for both being the part of the Staff Teams as well as attempting to become a fully pleged members of the team, many of you will always be welcomed to rejoin if you wish to do so, whether it is to be a fully pledged staff members, or re-attempting to take a shot at become ones.

And what a glorious choo choo train it is, filled with people whom take the time out of their "real life" time in order to serve the people of this remarkable, multi-cultural community. While we did have some sad departures from this amazing train this month, like on every train station, people get off the train AND get on it, resulting in the never-ending cycle of firing and recruiting.

As mentioned earlier, there have been some sad departures, but we've also had some happy boardings, thus we should go through the train wagons and give a warm welcome to all those whom are boarding the train once again as well as boarding it for the first time in their lives.

All kinds of wagons have been aboard this month, the Game Master Wagon, Moderators Wagon and the GFX'ers Wagon, and thus without a further ado, let us all welcome the following people whom aboard the various Wagons in order to serve this community with their skills and time.

Aboarding the Game Masters Wagon this month, we have Draig, .Septeight and Nduongdl, they have joined in as Test Game Master and passed their testing time, which now makes them fully pledged Game Masters, also, we have two more Test Game Master whom joined last month but finally passed their test time this month, and thus, they too are now fully pledged Game Masters, iWorm and llCryll, welcome and congratulations to all of them. 

Joining the Green Wagon this month, the following two members have served the community before and are now rejoining back to serve it once again, give a warm welcome back to TheCookieMonster and SOULEXODIA, as well as the new Test Moderators whom joined this month and already passed their testing time, thus becoming fully pledged Moderators, Shinobu, .Yood, Necrofer and sEanTEE, we welcome you all, and last but not least, lets congratulate Schyler or now know as Jamir for becoming a Lead Moderator, he has been serving the community as a Moderator for a long time, and with the departure of Syche, he has now been promoted as a reward for his long-standing services.

And for the last Wagon on the Choo Choo Train, the GFX'ers Wagon, boarding it are the following GFX'ers whom have passed their Testing time and are now fully pledged members of GFX Team, lets welcome and congratulate JinRipark, FORSAKEN and .James. .

Remember my dear forumers, as long as the engine of the train works, it will continue to drive forward, some may come aboard and some may departure from it, but in the end, its all about the community as a whole, which makes up the engine of this amazing Choo Choo Train.

Last month, many players of this community could not vote due to a bugged vote timer. Because of this bug, many players complained and asked for the VIP points and credit points they wanted. When the players complained, the reality came that they would vote for our server only if there was something in return. Suddenly, on "Suggestion Thread", there were players who wanted to increase the points that can be earned through voting. Where is the voluntary voting for our server there? What is that, friends with benefits? Anyways, there were players who disagreed with them and made them eat their words.

As of the miscellaneous news, the vote goal for the month of February includes awesome rewards. For instance, reaching the goal will enable new services. However, credit points to cash points exchange is not part of the promised rewards. Do not be sad because there are good news for you. Firstly, the vote goal was reduced from ten thousand votes to nine thousand votes. Secondly, if the vote goal is reached, the "kill the Game Master" event and the Arena guild challenge will both have a cash points prize on March, while credit points to cash points service will be added to the list of rewards for that same month.

As of the updates regarding players services, our Administrator Nocturnal announced that the bug on vote timer was now fixed. After the announcement, there were players who complained saying that they still could not vote, but that was not the case anymore several minutes later. As the vote timer was fixed, we may be able to reach the vote goal with nine thousand votes. Now, each and every Zhyperian should vote with love for our server even if there is nothing in return.

It has been nearly a year since we've reached the vote goal which is set up ever month. We were almost there many times, but we failed nevertheless. Most of us vote as many times as we're allowed to do so within the span of 24 hours. The main reason for why we fail, is because players fail themselves when they write down the captcha code, they either do it incorrectly which will in the end result in a "Vote Out" instead of "Vote In" or they just click the "vote" button simply to gain the Credit Points without even bothering to enter a captcha code at all, which in the end results in us not getting any kind of votes, may they be "In" or "Out".

Everytime the Vote Goal is announced, the staff members try to motive the players to vote. We all know that it contains a lot of profit that will definitely satisfy our thirst for rewards as well as it will please the Senior Staff members. Staff members provide us with many fitting rewards for voting, such as Game Master's events, discounts on tag subscriptions in forum, and also the possibility to trade three option items together with the gold pets. The vote goal every month, as always, depends on the decision of our admin. But, the most common goal is ten thousand in-votes.

Before we reach our objective we need to vote with our hearts and with the correct "Captcha code" also. Let's start voting for our community to once again obtain the crown on the uppermost part of the ranking. And I am glad to say that we are on the top 10 ranking of mu servers. Sounds great right? So, keep on voting and stay motivated by our charming server and its community.

We all know about the good news, namely, the updates regarding in-game. Most of us did not quite expect expect Nocturnal to fix many bugged unused and abused skills, as well as to buff up some items at the same time, but after a long wait and the utmost anticipation, it has been done, unused skills have been buffed up, bugged skills have been fixed or removed disabled.

But its not the only update this month which many of us did not expect. Although opinions regarding some of the updates vary between the players. For example some people don't quite like the idea that Summoners Reflection skill which was known for it notorious Reflect Bug, has been disabled. The users of summoner class were annoyed because according to them, the reflect skills is the main asset of Summoner class, and without it, the summoner itself is not as strong as it used to be. In reply to that, Nocturnal has informed us that this skill removal is not permanent, but it will remain disabled until its fixed in the upcoming updates.

That is one only of the many updates that have been announced. Admin Nocturnal is still planning to implement more of those in order to make the game more balanced for everyone, as well as to remove all the known and unknown bugs. Therefore always remember to report any bugs you may come across in-game so they can be known to us and thus, removed. As long as there are bugs, more updates will continue to come in order to rid our server of things that unbalance it

I'm sure many of you are quite familiar with the Gens PvP system in-game, but regarding the in-depth information about this system, what as a player do you know about the Gens Guilds, why is it a PvP system and why do both Gens Duprian and Gens Vanert seem to go at each other throats which is clearly presented by the accumulation of Contribution Points when a member of one guild kills a member of the other guild.

Well, its very simple actually, simple, but not quite so ordinary. Both Gens Duprian and Gens Vanert are named after Lord Duprian and Lord Vanert whom are a very highly placed Nobles in the Empire of Mu Continent, and both of those families hate each other as fire hates water. Mu Continent overall is well known for the Legendary Monsters and Places in and on it, usually its the Evil Forces which threaten the Empire of Mu, but with both the Duprian and Vanert families going at each other, it might just be the internal quarrel that will ruin the powerful Empire, and not the evil forces of Kundun which the Empire thrives to defeat.

But not both of the families are evil, while Lord Duprian seeks to obtain the crown over the Mu Empire by any means necessary, Lord Vanert thrives to provide a fair life for all that inhabit the Mu Continent in order to create a fair Empire, where everyone can live and prosper in harmony and peace.

Lord Duprians goal is to obtain the crown of Mu Continent merely for his own interest of obtaining power over the most powerful faction on the Continent and beyond, while Vanert wants the crown not for himself, but for the humans and creatures alike that live on the Continent, but as long as Lord Duprian and his family are alive, the quarrel between those two families may just ruin the Empire for which they both are trying to obtain the rule over.

And thus, the Gens System has been established to recruit powerful heroes in order to turn the tides of war for one of the families. And so, being a powerful hero whom travels across the Mu Continent, which family will you join, will it be the family of Duprian who selflessly seeks power over the Empire, or the family of Vanert who wants to create an Empire based on harmony and peace between all, OR will you simply stand aside and watch as both of the families slowly ruin the Empire which they seek to rule over with such anticipation? 

The choice is yours, may it be a wise one in the end

As of lately, a new in-game update has been implemented, the update itself was to bring a new challenge for the players, and this challenge being in form of powerful bosses which will surely provide many people will fun hunting.

Those powerful Boss mobs appear in different maps, such as Atlans, Tarkan, Icarus, Aida and Land of Trials. Some names of these monsters may be an old memory for you, and some of those names may have never came across your eyes before, nevertheless, the following monsters now roam those different maps under the following names: "Hydra", "Death Beam Knight", "Phoenix" , "Hell Main" and "Zaikan". These powerful bosses appear in their maps every sixty minutes to ninety minutes, depending on when they have been defeated, their number will also vary, so thread lightly, for their power must not be under estimated. 

Of course like every boss monster, they have a fitting reward for being defeated, while it has a low drop chance, its still worth hunting. All these bosses have a chance of dropping either a Golden Box or a Silver Box, both of these boxes will reward you with a Season 4 and 5, 2 optioned Excellent item, the options are random so its all up to luck.

Naturally, like every boss in every game, these ones will be not only hard to kill due to their massive defense and health, but they will also pack quite a punch too, for their damage is something that shouldn't be underestimated, so make sure you bring your best gear, because they are not a challenge that can be taken on by newcomers. Sadly that is not the last of your trouble, before even attempting to challenge them, first of all you have to find them, for they roam the entire map and quite often then tend to hide in corners which are usually passed by.

So, what are you waiting for, open up your Vault, pick your strongest set and weapons and attempt to hunt those Bosses in order to obtain fitting rewards. And find a friend that can help you as well, the more the merrier.

You are a glorious Blade Knight Bounty Hunter trying to bring justice to the continent, in order to attain your goals you are summoned to find the most wanted mobs of the century.

Download the Image below and Identify all the names of the monsters and the Map where they can be found. Under each picture, Using MS Paint or any Image Editing Program simply fill in the required answer. upload it to 
www.tinypic.com or any external uploading site then post your answer in the Journalist Contribution hall,first to post the exact solution will win 300 credit points. Good luck!

Please use the following format:

Forum name:
Image Answer (must contain your name to avoid ripping):

1. You are not allowed to change entries once you submitted it
2. Ripping or any acts related to is subject to the forum rules.
3. A watermark (your name) is required in each answer, failure to have it, your entry is considered null and void. 
4. Staff Members are NOT allowed to join.

This Months Image : 

You are a prisoner who wants freedom but there is a problem, you must find the way out of the maze to be free. 

Mechanics :
You will be given an image of an Maze Puzzle to solve. To sovle it, you must upload the image and answer it with your editing tools using "
Red Color". Entries must be posted on a thread that you must create in "Contribution Hall" entitled "Monthly Maze Puzzle" and the prize for this game will be 300 Credit Points.

Format of Entries :

Forum Name :
Entry/Edited Image :

Rules :

1.) Staff Members are NOT allowed to join.
2.) No spamming or double or more threads.
3.) No copying of entries. 

This Months Maze:

SOTW #/Title:# 171 Winner
Theme: Signature

SOTW #/Title:# 172 Winner
Theme: Postbit

SOTW #/Title:# 173 Winner
Theme: Signature

[Season 5] Castle Siege WarLords - Supreme Guild Challenge
¬ News & Announcements 3 April, 2013
HTML Online Editor Sample

Undoubtedly, through the past months, seeing many players complain about what they call the uselessness of credit points has been part of our forum users everyday life. In their minds, the Zhyperians are not given enough incentives to gather these points. In fact, their expectations when it comes to credit points are down to two main upcoming updates: the implementation of the new version of the "Webshop", and the delivery of the five thousand credit points. "Patience is a virtue" has become a commonplace sentence that can be read on an almost daily basis. While some players had their patience worn out in a matter of weeks, others chose to behave more reasonably, considering that waiting remained the only option anyway. But has their patience been rewarded during the month of March?

The first and most obvious point to highlight is March's vote goal attainment. While it brought back hope among the community, showing how strong and united it can still be, it also led to concrete benefits that have something to do with credit points, such as a twenty-five percent discount on the "Zhyper Hardcore" subscription for the first week. But above all, the much dreamt service of credit points to cash points was added to the list of April?s vote goals rewards, and that is an unprecedented incentive to vote and gather points.

The 'Zhyperian Raffle' was the second reason why one can assert that credit points are not as useless as some players say they are. This event, offered by HGM Ret, precisely gave the opportunity to those who had spent time collecting credit points to win spectacular prizes. Five tier 2 sets were brought into play. In order to participate forum users had to buy raffle tickets for seven hundred credit points each, and obviously buying several tickets automatically meant having more chances to win. It was said that some people bought more than one hundred tickets, which reveals how popular the event was and disproves the uselessness of credit points.

Finally, the solo subscriptions were given an additional delight, since it is now possible to buy a full status character without having to pay for a whole package. Its cost was set to one thousand credit points which can come from up to two different accounts. As a consequence, a series of threads meant to sell or buy full status characters emerged in the miscellaneous items part of the market section. Spending only two or three black pets in order to try the Rage Fighter is no longer impossible.

Therefore, the month of March has sent a clear message to credit point's detractors, which is that the absence of the webshop does not mean that voting is pointless. On the contrary, the community was able to relish the updates that are put before it every month is what can make, and will always make, the glory days of ZhyperMU.

So happy voting, and of course, happy gaming.

As one may have noticed, the Dungeon Race event used to be a difficult event to win. Not only was it necessary to memorize a long path, as well as to make few to no mistakes, but the event itself was also unfair because of several abusers. Indeed, while honest and upright players would use their sole memory to make their way to victory, others would think that it paid off more to illegally take advantage of an issue related to the summon skill. Obviously, such practices were widely denounced by members of the forum. "How can I have lost when I was ahead the whole time?" was a frequently asked question, until HGM iReject announced that the event would temporarily be disabled. This piece of news was given a warm welcome from the players. However, a question remains: when will it be brought back? While the answer is quite unsure, something is certain: do not throw your Christmas stars away. When the Dungeon Race event is back to entertain our community, only minds will matter and the players with the best memories will make the difference.

In case you are not familiar with this event yet and want to be ready when its new version is released, here is a short summary of what it consists of. The Dungeon Race is an automated event that takes place daily in game at scheduled times of the day. Every participant starts the race at Dungeon one. In order to win the race, which the prize is one cash point, you must be the first participant to arrive at Dungeon three. Of course, teleporting to any Dungeon map is impossible during the event, which means that the only ways to reach the finish line are walking, flying, or riding a pet. But the most important fact to know about the Dungeon Race is that there is one and only one optimal path to follow in order to be the winner. It is long and all the more difficult to memorize that Dungeon maps are quite monotonous. However, with a bit of training and a bit of patience, earning the much desired cash point is within everyone's reach. And if anyone dares to abuse an issue again, make sure to be the hero who will report him to our seniors, so that the Dungeon Race remains a fair and enjoyable event.

So happy racing, and of course, happy gaming.

Don't we all just love it when more and more people get freshly recruited into our awesome staff teams? Some of those people may not be so fresh for they have been recruited before, but nevertheless, we love them all just as much as we love all those freshmen that decide to take their chances in becoming a fully pledged members of staff team.

This month, as usual, nearly every team has got themselves a new batch of fresh meat, well, some of them are more like the kind of meat that you take out of the freezer after having it there for few days, but it matters not whether they are previous staff members or new ones, each and single one of them are warmly welcomed.

Lets start of with the team that most of you guys possibly love the most, and that is the Game Masters team. As always they gain themselves the largest amount of recruits, and thus, without further delay, lets give a warm welcome to the freshly recruited Test Game Masters, TGM Jicky, Shinn, Shacainna and Xhiketzu, they will now be taking part in the few weeks of testing period in order to see if they are able enough to become fully pledged Game Masters. Lets warmly welcome them and lets hope they all manage to get through the Testing Period. 

We also have some Game Masters returning, not only from their breaks, but some of them have been given a whole new chance in being part of the Blue Team. Lets once again welcome the following Game Masters, GM .Dhez, Mudlock and the chicken master, PurEvil! Lets hope that they once again can perform their task to the utmost usefulness.

And last but not least regarding the blue team, I'm glad to announce that the following Test Game Masters have passed their testing period this month and now they have a chance to shine bright in their brand new pimpin' Blue Tags, lets congratulate the following GM's in passing their TGM periods, GM Nekutasa, MisterFOX and Daney!

As usual, the Game Masters Batch gained itself the largest amount of workers, but its not the only team which has gained new people, lets move on to the awesome Green Team, also knows as the Moderators whom do their job across the forum, making sure that everything is the way it should be, some of them are new, some of them are old, but its all the same, we welcome them with open arms!

And thus, let us welcome one of the former Lead Moderators, whom will be now taking the role of a Moderator, Angel. as well as the Ex-Moderator and Wiki Team Leader, Medusa. whom has too decided to once again join up the ranks of the green team, and lets not forget the awesome FireFox, who is once again decided to join into the ranks of the Green Team! 
But that is not all, some of our lovely Test Moderators managed to pass their testing periods and now they can proudly call themselves Moderators, and these are _tepp and bLuishpauL. 
This leaves one more awesome Moderator, as well as an Ex-HGM, whom has now been promoted to a Lead Moderator in order to make sure that this forum functions as it properly should, lets all hug Engel, for she will be the one taking that spot!

And for the last Staff Team which has gained itself more people, the awesome GFX Team who is in charge of taking on our request regarding any kind of GFX Work. Some of these awesome guys are coming back to once again do the job, and some of them are pretty new to the team, but they all deserve to be warmly hugged and welcomed as well as congratulated.

The following guys whom are coming back to the GFX Team are, GFX'ers .Kyrvin and .Cyrus! Welcome back! Lets also congratulate the following three individuals whom have been recruited into the GFX ranks and have managed to pass their 2 week testing periods, thus now being fully pledged members of the GFX Team, GFX'ers MAGDALO, .MsChinita and .OBEY!

Once again, as we do every month, we both gained and claimed back awesome staff members, lets give them all a warm welcome to make sure that not only do they stay, but also so they won't leave us again!

I love that song, not enough people listen to Queen nowdays, but aside with that, like every month, we both gain and lose members of the staff team, of course we prefer the gaining part, but in the end the losing some is inevitable, so all we can do sit and watch as it happens, and perhaps wish them farewell as they departure away from the Staff Ranks.

Once again nearly every team has suffered the loss of a Team Member, and so, we shall start of with the Green Team, whom luckily has not lost too many members this month, but they did lose some nevertheless, so its only fair that we say our goodbyes to them.

Leaving the Moderator team, we have the Moderator Hendelson. whom has been a part of the Green Team for nearly over 7 months, we thank you for your services to our community, and know that the Green Team will always be happy to take you back, should you consider joining in again.

We also have the Lead Moderator Jamir, who has not passed his testing time in order to become a full Lead Moderator, not only has he not passed the test, he will be also taking a break from the team overall, until he is once again ready to perform his duties as a Moderator.

And last but not least regarding the Green Team, we have the awesome Lead Moderator Remaxkoy, who shall be taking 2 weeks break from his Forum duties due to health issues. We hope you recover soon so once again you'll be able to be a part of the team. 

Regarding the Game Masters Team, which too, has very few losses this month, some of them were GM's, some TGM's. And so, the following Game Masters have decided to step down from their positions due to various reason, most of them regarding the real life issues which are known for its notorious ways of taking away Staff Members from our Teams, and these are, Game Master Akashi and iWorm. We bid you both farewell and hope you can come back to the team someday again. 

Lastly, regarding the Game Masters Team, we have the following TGM's whom have left the team, some of them simply failed their test periods, and some of them have just been silly and got them selves kicked out. The following Test Game Master whom have left the team this month are, TGM Marko, Rymndzor and dapr0. Thank you for trying.

This leaves only Two individuals whom have left the Staff Team, they are both from different teams, one is a GFX'er, better known as Marto, we thank you for your great GFX'ing services. And the other one is Journalist Clariss, whom have been removed due to inappropriate behavior as a staff member, and should seriously consider himself lucky for simply being removed from the team.

For the past few months we admitted that we could not reach our vote goal. There were so many rumors that our server will begin to vanish from the "MU Online" rankings. Rumors will always be rumors, either you believe in it or you will stray from the truth.

Fortunately, we have reached our first vote goal for this year. It is evident that we will not achieve this goal if we did not vote together. All of our hard work has indeed paid off.

All of us knew that this is the start of getting back our crown from the past year, like making decisions step-by-step. Conquering their position? It is simple, with the use of cooperative endeavor and a lot of effort, we can defeat them and it will surely bring us to the top. Although there is a lot of MU servers that uses an automated vote process which is prohibited in the rules. But always remember, good triumphs over evil.

So what are you waiting for? Let's get the crown back together and, always remember dear Forumers, do not forget to vote for our server and community. Happy Gaming and Good Luck!

You are a glorious Blade Knight Bounty Hunter trying to bring justice to the continent, in order to attain your goals you are summoned to find the most wanted mobs of the century.

Download the Image below and Identify all the names of the monsters and the Map where they can be found. Under each picture, Using MS Paint or any Image Editing Program simply fill in the required answer. upload it to 
www.tinypic.com or any external uploading site then post your answer in the Journalist Contribution hall,first to post the exact solution will win 300 credit points. Good luck!

Please use the following format:

Forum name:
Image Answer (must contain your name to avoid ripping):

1. You are not allowed to change entries once you submitted it
2. Ripping or any acts related to is subject to the forum rules.
3. A watermark (your name) is required in each answer, failure to have it, your entry is considered null and void. 
4. Staff Members are NOT allowed to join.

This Months Image : 

You are a prisoner who wants freedom but there is a problem, you must find the way out of the maze to be free. 

Mechanics :
You will be given an image of an Maze Puzzle to solve. To sovle it, you must upload the image and answer it with your editing tools using "
Red Color". Entries must be posted on a thread that you must create in "Contribution Hall" entitled "Monthly Maze Puzzle" and the prize for this game will be 300 Credit Points.

Format of Entries :

Forum Name :
Entry/Edited Image :

Rules :

1.) Staff Members are NOT allowed to join.
2.) No spamming or double or more threads.
3.) No copying of entries. 

This Months Maze:

This event is very simple, I will post a fan-art picture or a Gif from a Cartoon or an Anime, and the following picture will have a reference to a particular movie or a game, it is your job to guess what movie or game the picture is referring to.

Example Picture of a Game Reference :


Answer - The game reference : World of Warcraft

Rules for this event :
1. You may post only one entry
2. You are not allowed to edit your answer
3. Staff Members are NOT allowed to join.
4. The difficulty will wary each month, with it so shall the Credit Points Prize.

You have to post your entry in the Contribution Hall, name your thread "Guess the Movie/Game Reference Answer".
In it, post the Picture which I have provided, and under the picture post the name of the movie or a game that it is referring to.

Prizes will depend on the difficulty of the round.
Easy - 150cp
Medium - 200cp
Hard - 300cp

This months movie round picture :

Difficulty : Hard


SOTW #: 174 Winner
Theme: Postbit

SOTW #: 175 Winner
Theme: Signature

SOTW #: 176 Winner
Theme: Postbit

SOTW #: # 177 Winner
Theme: Signature

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